Reflective Reading Groups

Reading Groups Dedicated to Meher Baba's Teachings

  • Wednesdays at 10am to 11am Pacific
  • Thursdays at 10am to 11am Pacific

These groups meet by Zoom. No fee for these virtual reading groups

Marilyn facilitates two weekly reflective reading groups to read about Meher Baba's messages for the awakening humanity. We read and reflect together from books about Meher Baba's life and teachings.


Please contact Marilyn to learn about these groups and the books we are currently reading.

The Wednesday reading group reads from Avatar of the Age: Meher Baba Manifesting by Bhau Kalchuri.  Written in the late 1970’s, this book is a series of articles about Meher Baba’s manifestation.

The Thursday reading group is currently reading Harry Kenmore's biography

Meher Baba lived in India from 1894 to 1969. He observed silence from 1925 until his passing in 1969.  He stated, “You have asked for and have been given enough words—it is now time to live them”.

"I have come to sow the seed of love in your hearts, so that, in spite of all superficial diversity which your life in illusion must experience and endure, the feeling of oneness, is brought about amongst all the nations, creeds, sects and castes of the world."  Meher Baba

"I have not come to establish any cult, society or organization; nor even to establish a new religion. The religion that I shall give teaches the knowledge of the one behind the many. The book that I shall make people read is the book of the heart that holds the key to the mystery of life”  Meher Baba 

"Nothing is real but God. Nothing matters but love for God."  Meher Baba

"To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms truth, love, purity and beauty — this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth.  All other happenings, incidents and attainments in themselves can have no lasting importance."     Meher Baba

Contact Marilyn to register for either weekly reading group or to learn more about Avatar Meher Baba.