Contemplative Practices: Turning Within

Guidance to help you establish a contemplative practice

By request


Sliding scale:  $50 - $80

A daily contemplative practice cultivates Self-awareness, inner peace and contentment.  It also improves your ability to focus on what’s happening in the present, without being so distracted about what has happened in the past, or what will happen in the future.   


Marilyn has been practicing meditation since 1971, and teaching meditation and contemplative practices since 1976.  She has studied and practiced a variety of meditation and contemplative techniques and shares from her lifetime of personal experience of spiritual exploration and Self-discovery.

Establishing a Contemplative Practice

A two-hour session for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Explore of several methods of "passive" meditation.

  • Learn to relax and regenerate your energy.
  • Learn simple guidelines for establishing a daily contemplative practice.

Cultivating the Inner Life

This two-hour session is an opportunity to address challenges with your daily practice and to explore a variety of simple, contemplative practices that can be integrated into your daily life to support your unique spiritual journey.


This session explores "active" meditation or "contemplation", in which one intently focuses and expands on the meaning of a word, phrase, or sacred reading. 


Learn to:

  • Build the connection to the higher and intuituive mind.
  • Increase your awareness of "inner knowing" and wisdom.
  • Express greater beauty in your daily life.

"Only in complete internal silence is Truth found. When the surface of the lake is still, it reflects the stars.  When the mind is tranquil, it reflects the nature of the soul as it is."  Meher Baba

If you are searching for books on meditation and contemplative practices, these books may be helpful to your spiritual quest:

If you are interested in personal guidance regarding meditation and contemplative practices, contact Marilyn.